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My Big Dahlia Bed at the Lake is Ready for Planting

May 23, 2024

1 min read

Memorial Weekend is planting time for my lake dahlia bed.

In 2024 I am planting 56 varieties and a total of 76 plants in my Lake Edward Dahlia Bed. I am excited to see all the forms, colors, and blooms sizes in my garden this year!

My plan is to plant dahlias on Sunday, May 26 at 2:30 pm. Anyone local that would like to help plant is welcome to join me for an hour or so. Many hands truly make the work lighter. I will have a couple extra dahlia plants plus a few Strawflower, Statice, and Zinnia and various other plants to give away to those who lend a hand. Shoot me an email or text if you plan to stop out.

Plants I started from seed and brought to friends in Rochester

I have plotted out/designed my dahlia bed to to be both attractive and functional. I use plastic "Stomp Steps" that look a lot like stone pavers to make walking paths. I am careful to leave at least 22 inches between dahlias to accomodate their large size and to promote good air flow. Shorter plants will be on the edges/outer rows and the tallest plants in the middle and back of the bed. In 2023 I learned to be careful to allow good access to sunlight to all plants. I had a few that endened up being slow growers and were shadowed by other dahlias and so did not grow well.

My diagram of my Lake Edward Dahlia Bed

The Actual Lake Dahlia Bed Ready to Plant

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